Engineer and visionary:

Building Services that Make a Difference

I am a software engineer with over 13+ years of experience specializing in development, change, and release management for back-end APIs and data pipelines on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure.

My expertise includes designing and implementing serverless and microservices architectures, as well as utilizing CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Bitbucket Pipelines, AWS Code Series, Serverless Framework, CDK, and Terraform to create efficient and automated deployment processes. Also, I have been doing my best to get everyone on board with DevOps practices that is big part of how we work. I have established and promoted best practices for JIRA, WIKI, Git-based pull requests, and code reviews, creating an environment that maximizes productivity and collaboration.

Above all, I am driven by a desire to conceptualize and build impactful services. I believe in leveraging software to create solutions that positively influence society and improve lives. To achieve this, I have cultivated interests not only in engineering but also in design, marketing, and understanding people and society. Finally, I place great value on collaboration with exceptional colleagues. Sharing diverse perspectives and ideas with them is a source of growth and inspiration, enabling us to create greater outcomes together.
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